Sunday, July 4, 2010



Authored by: Mr Saptarshi Dutt

In mathematical calculus, integration and differentiation are two of the most interesting concepts. Both of these concepts are primarily concerned with how things change over the passage of time. Simply put, differentiation is used to find the rate of change of things, while integration is used to add rates of change over specified intervals. But how many of us have ever wondered how apt these concepts are in the context of our lives?

If this very concept is applied to life, integration can be understood and best realized as something that brings everyone together. In other words, integration is a process of assimilating various substances under one single roof. Since every material object is perpetually in a state of change, to integrate is to bring together these changing entities. Popular axiom like “unity is strength”, “united we stand, divided we fall”; all go hand in hand to epitomize the process and strength of integration.

When we say we ought to “sink our differences”, we essentially mean we need to add the rate of change --- that is, integrate (to mix together). Integration is also professed as something that facilitates our journey to move towards the higher stratas of life. In other words, we call can it higher consciousness or aspiring to reach a higher “order” of life. In a way, it signifies winning over the mental state; of discrimination; to treat everyone equally without any indiscrimination and spiritual ethos.

Differentiation on the other hand, is a concept that has not received its due exaltation or adoration. Usually, we associate differentiation with discrimination and therefore we tend to look down upon it. If we look deep inside the matter; we will find that differentiation and discrimination is not the same. In fact there are loads of differences in between them. Adages like ‘divide and rule’ are scoffed at. But, as in mathematics, differentiation precedes integration.

Differentiation is the very quintessence of life. Life would be futile, if differences cease to exist. It is this differences that leads to positive growth, improvement, and betterment for all. However, we must be careful so that this differentiation must not lead to inequity, intolerance, prejudice, or bigotry. Harmony and positive relationship must be ensured.

Understanding differentiation is the essence to grasp the dogma of integration. In a way, differentiation and integration are almost intertwined if not identical in many respects. If one does not understand any one of the concept clearly inside out; it will become rather a difficult task to understand what the other concept is telling about.

On observation, it is pretty evident and natural too that no two objects can be completely identical. Be it in the context of human beings or in any other objects viz, material objects or boundary issues; there has to be some kinds of differences. In tracing the difference / differences, we usually use items like kind, variety, quantity, form, texture, or use other words to gauge the nature of such differences. There is an adage that differences creates discrepancies and unnecessary conflicts, which is why we do not like to differentiate because it has become our general philosophy that differences creates conflicts, variance, discrepancies, dissent, disagreement, and tension.

When two or more people meet, we could differentiate them on the basis of physical tenets, religion, language, color, caste, educational background, culture, upbringing, philosophy, wealth, occupation, social status, social dignity and many other factors. But when we have boundaries, it goes against the spiritual ethos of treating everybody equal. Therein lays the source of conflicts, which we often come about. And it is for this very reason the term differentiation has acquired such a negative brunt on the minds of people.

Does all this mean that we treat all things equal and as one and the same thing, that is, do we keep integrating with each and every object irrespective of its many variances and dissimilarities? Well, going by the concept of differentiation; that would mean that if an entity cannot be differentiated; the entity is constant. In fact, differentiation of constant entities would bring the equation to “zero” (0)

In sum, one needs to appreciate both the concepts (i.e. integration and differentiation) as positive reception of both of them will bring a master-piece out of them. For, it is only when something can be differentiated, it connotes that the very object is undergoing change and is truly alive. After all, life itself is a learning curvature and thereby it is always desirable to undergo certain changes or the other. Whenever, life stops at a certain given point; it becomes inactive, immobile, and exists merely on its physical capacity. Thus, the chemistry of integration coupled with differentiation truly enhances the picture of true beauty.

1 comment:

Reikijoy said...

Is it Quite Fire or Quiet Fire? V N Mittal