Sunday, November 15, 2009


Whilst I was making my way through;
The woods of forest
Someone, asked me;
“You have been on foot here for ages….
Can you hear the breathe ness of trees?
Can you identify their language?
Can you trace their mode of communication?”
My answer was “no”.

We have been staying
With our near and dear ones for long time since now
Abruptly my conscious enquired;
Do we sense their mourning, distress, lament ness?
Do we try to share their pains and sorrows?
“No”…. “Never”…

Yet, we claim ourselves to be as ‘humans’

Strange but true.

1 comment:

zacponsel said...

I like your expression " we call ourselves humans "The story behind is qite common,although "strange"Keep it up,friend.Let me go through your other blogs ,one by one.I've church ministry this evening.I'm thinking of the keyword 'all things' for my sermon or,rather, message.